Friday, June 10, 2005

coming along

Alright...the luggage I ordered from is finally on its way to me. Nice that I ordered it ten days ago and they're just now shipping it out...grrr. So that's that then. Also, today I got my flight itinerary from the recruiter; I'm leaving on the morning of the 26th and I'll be arriving in Korea on the 27th at about 9pm. I have two hour layovers in both Chicago and Tokyo., but the time in Tokyo will be cool. I know I'll only be in the airport but I'm sure I'll probably see some cool stuff while I'm there.

Packing is coming along, albeit very slowly. There's nothing I detest more than moving my stuff from one place to's such a hassle. I swear I've lived in about five or six different places in the last five years...ugh. In any case though at least I can take some comfort in knowing that whatever I'll be moving within the next two years should be containable within four or five suitcases.

Anyway, short update...more later.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


La la la...only 19 more days until I'm supposed to leave. Granted I haven't gotten my visa paperwork back from the school yet but hopefully that will come soon so I can take everything up to the Korean consulate in Chicago and make it official. At home I'm in the throws of packing and my room is a complete mess! How in the world do I have so much junk? Needless to say I'm going to pitch most of it, and I have a stack of clothes I'm taking to a consignment shop to sell (extra cash!). Mags and I managed to find someone else to move in and take over my half of the lease (thank god) so that is a whole other 322 dollars a month I won't have to worry about, which will make it a lot easier to save money. Now if I can just sell my car I'll be all set!

Last night I went shopping for toiletries at Sam's and blew fifty bucks in about five minutes! And I still have a lot more to buy too...sheesh. Today I have to call my bank to find out about wiring money from Korea and see how much it costs, etc. Hopefully they'll be able to do it or else I might have to close that account and open another one before I leave. And then I still have to shop for gifts and little prizes for my students, etc, etc, etc...

Maybe I should've quit my job a lot sooner. Instead of sitting here at work I could be out getting all of this stuff done. Oh well. I just need to buckle down and do more being lazy and putting it off. The future is now...