Tuesday, April 25, 2006

it hurts to move

So I'm sick yet again. I was well for about a week there and then I happened to catch the nastiest thing that I have yet contracted since coming here. It's nothing like anything I've caught here before and I'm thinking it might actually be the flu...but god I hope not. I haven't done anything but stay in bed and sleep for the past three days (except for when I drag myself to work) and even that doesn't seem to be helping. Last night I took my temperature with the thermometer my roommie was kind enough to get me while she was out...and of course I had a fever. Granted it was only about 100.8, but having a fever means this is more than just your average hacking-up-a-lung yellow dust-induced cold. I took my temp this morning and it was about 99 degrees, though sitting here in this freezing cold office at the moment doesn't seem to be helping me any. I noticed every time I get cold I start feeling worse, so the plan is as soon as I leave here I'm immediately going upstairs to my room, laying down on my bed, pulling the covers over me and turning my heating pad on full blast. I don't care if I die from heat exposure; I'm so cold right now I don't even think it'd matter. Aren't you supposed to sweat out a fever anyway? I know my dad always tried to do that with us kids when we were younger, and it seemed to work pretty well. What about that other old wive's tale about feeding a cold and starving a fever? Is that actually the case? I've been drinking a lot more liquids since I got sick but I haven't been eating much since I have virtually no appetite. Bleh..this sucks.

In any case I better be well by next weekend cause my friends and I have this whole weekend get-away planned for the Buddha's birthday holiday. We're leaving on Friday morning (since we all have off from work that day) and heading down to Gyeoungju, which is apparently this artsy area near the southern coast of Korea. My friend Dan said there'd be all kindsa festivities going on for the holiday so we should have no lack of things to do. We're taking a bus down there and staying in a house that Dan apparently got us for free (hmm...). At first we were going to stay in one of those shady love motels, but I think this new plan will be much better suited to our activities that weekend (well duh).

As for me, I will be spending the rest of the week recuperating and resting. And that's about it. No big plans for the weekend unless I'm feeling better, and right now that remains to be seen.
Ciao. Hope everyone's having a better week than I...


UPDATE (04/26/06): I think I actually have bronchitis. Is this better than the flu that I thought I had? I guess so. At least bronchitis goes away on its own without medical intervention. And I am feeling better today. No fever, no chills. I may actually be well by the weekend. Woot.