cooking class
So I teach these four back-to-back cooking classes on Friday mornings, though I cook the same thing in each one of them so it's really not that big of an ordeal. Basically it's more like a demonstration than a hands-on thing for them, mainly because you can't really trust five and six year olds with anything involving a lot of boiling and chopping. Usually they like what I make for them, though some of them are a little picky when it comes to anything that even remotely resembles traditional American kids' foods. They aren't used to things like Mac & Cheese or pancakes (for shame!) so finding something that all of them will eat can sometimes be a challenge. But wonder of all wonders I hit the jackpot with today's dish, ddeokbokki. At first I thought it might be a little too spicy for them, but they gobbled it up just the same.

So yes, today's cooking class went well. Stay-tuned for next week's recipe, Korean bean sprout salad...yum!