And now...
Enjoy it while you can, this may be the last...
(click on the image for a larger view)

'Nuf said.

The shirt on this crane machine doll reads "Be the ugly".


So where's the whip?

These are the McDonald's characters' evil twins.

So basically, always go with your second choice?

What constitutes lovely ice-cream?

I'm not sure, but I think this is talking about reversible clothing.

It's a magical place...

So where is this "weirdo" Statue of Liberty?

This is just bad grammar. I hate bad grammar.

This about animals & biting...I think? And then on the bottom is a verse from Abba's
Dancing Queen...cause that totally fits with the whole theme of the t-shirt.

You'll come for the beer, but you'll stay for the snacks.

Because size really does not matter here in Korea.

No men allowed!

It's my favorite way to

Sorry, but I like you better as mush.

I think this might actually be referring to the the yellow dust problem.

Apparently this is one of the ape ten commandments.

Oh knew he'd be back.

"I wish I could shoot straight..."

So exactly what is it that you can buy at this place?

Almost...but not quite right.

My baby just ate a bunch of lotion...that is so hilarious!!!

Let the hunt begin!

Who the heck is Tim Rekfon?

That depends...who wants to know?

If you can actually read this, the name sounds very similar to "Tupac". Hmm...
Golden Dew's basically just like honey...but not.

This place just has too much going on in its name, & in any case it makes absolutely no sense.