Friday, June 30, 2006

an end in sight

Yesterday my boss called me down to her office and handed me the itinerary for my flight home in August. It was so weird...I guess I just couldn't believe that I was actually staring at a paper that gave the details of my actual departure from Korea. I guess I just never believed it would actually happen, like I would be stuck here forever and ever. But low and behold, the end is in sight...for real. I'm officially leaving Korea on August 23rd at 10:05am and I will be arriving back in St. Louis that very same day at 4:03pm. I changed my schedule around for my trip to Europe so I'd have time to take care of some stuff for my brother's wedding before I go, so now I won't be leaving for Edinburgh until that Saturday. I should still have plenty of time to catch my friend's show there, so no worries.

Next week I have to go to the Immigration Office downtown to get my visa extended until I leave on the 23rd. My boss said the only thing I needed to bring is my passport and something to prove when I'll be leaving Korea. I guess when I leave is not as important as the fact that I'm actually leaving...or something.

Today the kindergarten is taking a field trip to the aquarium in COEX mall since this week's theme is "Under the Sea". I'll be sure to post some pics of it if I remember.

In other news from the land of the "not quite right", it's friggin hot here and apparently monsoon season has started a bit early this year...which means it's now perpetually muggy and humid outside, and the sky hasn't changed from this puke grey color in at least a week. It has been raining in some form or another every day as well, which is kind of annoying since it really puts a damper on my rollerblading and bike-riding. I guess I'll manage, but still...bleh.

For those of you more visually inclined, today's laugh comes to you from the weekly letter that is sent home with each of our kindy students, complete with a bit of dialogue that the parents and their children can practice at home. Usually it makes sense, but this week it was just something else entirely. Does this seem at all acceptable? I'm gonna say no.

Monday, June 26, 2006

one year ago

Well... as of 12am tonight I have officially been here in Korea for one full year. That's right, it was exactly one year ago tomorrow that I first arrived here in Seoul...and wow has it been an interesting ride. These past twelve months have seemingly flown by, which is definitely some indication as to how good a time I've had here, even with my recent apparent homesickness. I have never been so free to do whatever I've wanted in all my life, and it was nice to not have to worry about money for once. I've never had to pinch my pennies and stretch my paychecks here like I used to back home and I could actually afford to splurge every once in a while which I could never do before. Sure Korea has had its ups and downs, but that comes with every new experience or undertaking. In any case, I'd say the positives of my coming here definitely outweigh any of the negatives I may have encountered along the way. I wouldn't trade the memories (or the friends) I've made here for anything.

So now, with my time here winding down and coming to a close I've turned my eyes to the ever present and fast-approaching future. I'll be going home at the end of August, probably around the week of the 23rd, after which I will be flying directly out of St. Louis the very next day to go on my two and a half week-long excursion to Europe, starting with Edinburgh and the Fringe Festival. From there I'll be headed to Dublin for a few days before flying to Paris for the remainder of my trip. I'll officially be back to St. Louis for good on or around the 12th of September, just in time to get ready for my brother's wedding on September 30th, which is actually being held in Dallas. During the time before the wedding I'll be getting my life back together in St. Louis and moving in with some friends of mine in West County. I'm guessing I'll be driving down to Dallas for the wedding so hopefully I can put together some kinda road-trip thing with friends. After the wedding I assume life will be returning to normal, for a little while at least.

And then from there...who knows? I guess only time will tell.