Saturday, November 05, 2005


Saturday again...I woke up this morning still feeling a bit sick from this cold I've had for the past week. Suffice it to say I couldn't get back to sleep, so I've just been meandering around my room all this time, trying to get motivated enough to head outside into this clear and sunny November morning.

Wow...November already. I can't believe that I've been here for over four months now. That fact just shocks me, because it's seems like only yesterday that I arrived here. Things have been pretty busy lately since we had to plan a whole lot of things for the kids to do this past Halloween week. It was really fun overall...I'll be sure to post some pics of the Halloween festivities later when I get a chance. It was a shame though that aside from a few parties here and there people here don't celebrate Hallowen really. Can you just imagine being a kid and not go trick-or-treating every year? When I was younger Halloween was like one of the best days of the year. Even now I still get a little nostalgic when I smell the aroma of a newly-carved pumpkin, or the faint burning scent of a jack-o-lantern that's been sitting out all night on Halloween evening. I made it a point to carve my own pumpkin here (or what resembled a pumpkin) just because it's something I've done every year. It was kinda small but it actually turned out very well! :)

Anyway, today I think I'll just take a long walk around downtown since it appears to be nice outside. I was going to hike up a nearby mountain, but decided against it since I'm still trying to get over this stupid cold. I don't have anything planned the rest of the weekend, so who knows what it might bring?