Monday, March 27, 2006

no rest for the expat

I suppose it's safe to say that I haven't had one moment of rest for at least the last week or so...not that this is a bad thing. I like to feel like I am involved in the day to day of everyone around me, and taking part makes me feel alive, like I'm actually doing something with myself instead of sitting idly by on the sidelines. This past weekend was filled to the brim with activity and even last week I went out walking around downtown every night since the weather has been so agreeable.

Now that the seasons are changing I've felt more drawn to be outside as much as possible, just so I can be a full witness to the birth of springtime, as I'm always apt to want to do at this time of year. When I stay inside I always feel like I'm doing myself a I'm missing out on something important. Because, who knows, this could be the last time I'll ever see it (not to be melodramatic or anything). Tonight I walked up Mt. Namsan again and I got an ever so slight momentary thrill when I saw the new buds forming on the trees. Soon the cherry blossoms will be blooming and the warmth will be here. I'm looking forward to it...maybe moreso this year than usual.

As far as everything else goes, I've been doing really well here these past few weeks. The anime gang and I (though I wouldn't quite call them the "anime" gang anymore since we're usually out doing other stuff instead) hang out most every weekend and a good time is always had by all. This past weekend I met up with this girl who just got into Korea on Saturday. She came across my blog when she was researching getting a job here and asked if we could get together once she arrived. I agreed and told her I'd be happy to show her around. She called me on Sunday morning so I invited her out with my friends and I, cause, as I always say, the more the merrier. In any case it was a lot of fun! We went out for brunch in the early afternoon and then went to see V for Vendetta after that (which was an awesome movie by the way). After the movie we went out to this tofu restaurant nearby and had an excellent dinner among friends. All in all, a great it seems all weekends have been lately.

This week my friend Joe is visiting from back home and I think tomorrow night we're actually going to hang out since I was finally able to get in touch with him through email. Not sure what we'll be doing though, maybe going to see some stuff downtown or something? I'll be meeting up with him again on Friday night before he leaves to go back to the US on Saturday. And on Saturday I think I'm having people over as per usual unless we all decide to go out and find something else to do instead. Work's been good too and I think I've gotten into the swing of the new schedule, though some of the new boys are a little rowdier than I'd like. Still, no big deal...I'll manage.

So yeah, all's well here. Actually, things have been going unusually well...almost too well. Hmmm...

Also, I know I haven't posted many pics lately so here's one for now. More to come soon. :)

Seoul at sunset...