Is it Easter?
Friday night found me hanging with my good friends Danya and Mike. We're nerds so we basically just spent our evening cooking up some chocolately cookieliscious goodness for the upcoming Easter holiday. I made Snickerdoodles and Danya made sugar cookies and chocolate fudge. She had actually intended to make truffles to begin with...and even though we spent most of the night battling with the massive sticky wad of goo that was the truffle batter, the stuff just wouldn't solidify enough to roll it up into the little balls necessary to make said truffles. We gave up and stuffed the whole thing into a ziploc bag, maybe intending to use it as icing for the cookies. Wonder of all wonders the stuff hardened overnight and turned into the loveliest batch of fudge you ever did lay your eyes upon. Not only that but it tasted wonderful! Needless to say, Danya is an awesome chocolatier, whether she tries to be or not.

I spent the next day chillin with everyone at my friend Dan's place watching some questionable TV programming (::cough:: Boondocks ::cough::) though the episodes of Scrubs and My Name is Earl definitely made up for it.
Danya sporting festive bunny ears

The next day all of us met for Easter brunch over at Dan's again cause he had promised to make us french toast...real french toast, not that junk that's served in the restaurants here that they try to pass off as french toast. Like Danya and I, Dan is also an excellent cook and was able to whip up some of the tastiest french toast I have ever had...and I mean that.
Can you say yum?

After brunch, we all headed to Yeoido Island (the Manhattan of Seoul) to check out all the cherry blossoms since apparently that was the place to see the best display. When we finally did make it through the crowds of camera-toting locals and out above street level I was somewhat disappointed. There really weren't that many trees around and the ones that I did see were nearly bare of their blossoms. Still, we did enjoy walking around the park on that sunny Easter afternoon and taking in all the sights and smells of the green grass and trees, something not so easily found in other parts of Seoul.
the pond in Yeoido ParkIn the evening we all went and had an Easter dinner of Indian food at this place called Taj Mahal located somewhat suspiciously close to Hooker Hill in Itaewon. Even so, it was pretty tasty as Indian food goes and reasonably priced at that. All in all, not a bad way to spend Easter, though I was still kinda sad I didn't get to dye any real Easter eggs. Guess there's always next year.