Saturday, October 22, 2005

pitas and frappucinos

La I did all the normal Saturday things, except for a few small deviations here and there. This morning I got up rather early because I had made an appointment with this American distribtor here in Seoul to pick up some wheat pitas that I ordered (cause I am just that crazy about Kangaroo whole wheat pitas). It took me about an hour to find the place since the map on their website makes the main roads and the side roads look the same size and it didn't even give the name of the street on which they are actually located. But finally after much backtracking and using my not-so-great Korean reading skills, I found them located on a quaint little sidestreet on the third floor if this tiny building tucked away from view of the main road. The guy who answered the door was super nice about my strange request and was even concerned that I'd be hauling the 10lb package of pitas back to my apartment all by myself (he obviously did not know how cool and awesomely strong I am!!!). I reassured him that it was no trouble at all and so I left there with my package of pitas in hand. I stopped by Starbucks on my way back and had a mocha frappucino...which I had forgotten were so awesome, and then wasted away the rest of the morning in that quiet coffee shop reading this week's book Love in the Time of Cholera. After that, I got on the subway and came home. Once home I got ready to go out again since it was still fairly early and figured I use the time before my Korean class to go walk up Mt. Namsan yet again because it was just too beautiful and sunny a day to spend inside. After Namsan I headed to my Korean class at the nearby University, which I thoroughly enjoyed by the way. After class I hopped on the bus to come home, had dinner at a little kimbap place nearby and here I am back here again.

It's getting rather chilly here and I am dreading the fact that I was actually cold while standing on the sidewalk this evening waiting for the green crosswalk sign to come on. Even here in my room I can feel the cold starting to permeate my windows. Thankfully, I swiped the spare space heater from the extra room so I can keep myself warm until they turn on the ondol floor heating. Tomorrow I'm making a tremendous effort to walk from my place in Jungnang all the way to the downtown area...yes, that's right, just walking. I imagine it will take me a couple of hours, but I figure the only way that I'll really get to enjoy my surroundings and the scenery is if I go on foot. I'll be going by myself of course (since it seems there's never anyone around to go with me when I embark on these crazy whims of mine). If there's any remaining time left in the day then I might go out to Incheon for some shopping or something; I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, I am off to go do some cleaning and whatnot (how pathetic it is that I am reduced to cleaning on a Saturday night). Oh well, better luck next time. :)