bad Konglish (installment #4 - the Christmas edition)
Happy holidays to you all! For Christmas this year I am giving yet another wonderful installment of bad Konglish on which to feast your eyes.
So put on some Christmas music, sit back with a nice cup of hot cocoa and enjoy...
(and as always, be sure to click on the pic for a bigger image)
Merry Chriatmas!
Why is the one Santa telling the other Santa this?
Special thought we love?
A collage of talking & singing buildings. Interesting...
Trimmed with me? Hmm...
Merry Christmas come to here! Please!
Best wishes for the Christmas...
This just doesn't sound right.
And again...
From Your's Dandy Santa!
I've heard of 'in the heart', but on the heart?
Let's share our adversity!
It looks like a big hairy egg...and it's name is Chinua, the dwarf bear.
Fresh memories!
"I'm happy!" Why? "Because I like fish!"
Textile with a soft and charm feeling.
Cookles is definitely not low-carb.
These are some scary idol character stickers a friend of mine bought.
No soggy cookies here!

Can you eat something "deliciously"?
Cookie should have kept his hat on.
Wow! $35 ice-cream! What a deal!
The best of the best with the best effort and the best passion to be the best.
I can't even begin to make sense of this.
The dialogue balloon must be from some other t-shirt...cause it makes no sense here.
This must be the best thing I've yet come across.
Pasta goes western!

Pasta goes western!
I mean some of that stuff might make sense to dislexic people... And Im going to email you the recipe for these kick ass oatmeal cookies which are the best oatmeal cookies of all time, from my friends mom!
Hilarious. Bad Konglish is cool.
Do not laugh with 'Dyslexic' people
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