Thursday, July 21, 2005

tonight's excursion

So it looks like I'll be taking that trip to Japan for my visa on Tuesday. Pretty soon...though I guess that's about what we had anticipated. Now I just have to read up on where I need to go and what I need to do when I get there. I'm kinda excited about it, though not too much since I won't really have a chance to do anything while I'm there. I'll just basically be running around for visa stuff the whole time and then be hopping back on a plane to Korea the same day. In any case, it's one day I get to be out on my own seeing things I've never seen before...which is always a good thing in my opinion.

Tonight after work I went down the street to this little Korean hole-in-the-wall restaurant for some kimbap and then I hopped on the subway and rode out to Gangnam to see if I could find a place that sells cleansing shampoo, something I have yet to see here in Korea. I've been using their regular shampoo and at this point I have build-up beyond belief...yuck! So I decided to take matters into my own hands and track some down, even if that meant traveling to the farthest corners of Korea. But to my luck just as I was walking up the stairs from the subway there was this Bath and Body Works-esque shop that sold some! So I happily bought two bottles and then proceeded to walk around the area for a little while after that. Gangnam is a fairly wealthy area so there was a lot to see there. It's kinda like the Clayton of Seoul (to put it in St. Louis terms).

Ack!!! I forgot to buy a hairdryer while I was out tonight. The one I brought with me stopped working this morning. Ok, I've gotta go!!!!!!!! :)

Ok, I am back from E-Mart...took the subway out to Sangbong again and went there before they closed. I was power walking the whole time because I wanted to make sure I got on the subway back home before the trains stopped running for the night. And I did make it...with only ten mintues to spare! Go me! Woot! I still think it's rediculous that a large citysuch as Seoul doesn't have at least some of their subways run 24 hours...but oh well. The taxis here are cheap enough anyway and they run all night.

Tomorrow I get to go on my first field trip with the kids from my school. We're going to the Museum of Natural History here in Seoul, though I really have no idea where that might be. But yes, I'm going to take my camera with me and snap some photos of the kids while I'm I'll be sure to post them tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to tomorrow though; it should be lots of they told me we'd be having kimbap for lunch tomorrow! Bonus!


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