bad Konglish (installment #1)
So...What is exactly is Konglish?
Konglish is the use of English words (or words derived from English words) in a Korean context or a Korean dialect mixed with English loanwords. It also includes the use of words that are perceived to be English, but are in fact not English words. These could be words that have a different meaning in Konglish than they have in English, words that merely look or sound English, or words that are a mixture of Korean and English. Koreans usually use the word exclusively in the latter sense.
Konglish is the use of English words (or words derived from English words) in a Korean context or a Korean dialect mixed with English loanwords. It also includes the use of words that are perceived to be English, but are in fact not English words. These could be words that have a different meaning in Konglish than they have in English, words that merely look or sound English, or words that are a mixture of Korean and English. Koreans usually use the word exclusively in the latter sense.

I love the random things you can read in Korea.... that and the casual mispelling of words. I once saw a Hagwan with the words "for Kiddes and Teeenes" on the sign... now I don't know about you... but if they can't even spell the sign right, I may be questioning their ability to teach.
Well heck yes we always need a freshness...
hahahaha, this is so adorabley cheesy, cute and funny.
I really hope i can come to korea in the next year. thanks for sharing!
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